Obsolescence Planning / SLiM
Obsolescence planning is a critical component of every program. e2vs Semiconductor Lifecycle Management program (SLiM) provides long-term, proactive assurance of continuity of supply for critical components. SLiM supports platform life extension helping our customers avoid the need for expensive redesign and requalification when an original component becomes obsolete during the lifetime of the system, and offers the potential for improved integrity, counterfeit avoidance, lower costs, and reduced risk over the lifetime of the assets.
This new standard in semiconductor obsolescence management provides:
- A wide range of semiconductor products
- Redesign and re-engineering facilities
- Wafer and device banking for lifetime continuity of supply
- High-reliability test and packaging services
- Protection against counterfeit risks
- DLA-qualified manufacturer listing
With 35 years experience in die banking, repackaging and testing of available product, and re-engineering of hi-rel designs, e2v can help manage obsolescence of key semiconductor components at the start of or through the life of a program.